On certain Tuesdays at the Frequency here in Madison, there is a “BLUES TUESDAY” event that has been building itself quite a solid reputation, and this week it was friend of the show Seth Walker who was in town to show off his Americana Blues sound, his Willie Nelson impersonation and his fantastic ability to craft songs that make you want to listen. Seth writes songs that people have felt before, but the way he puts himself into is vocally makes the song still an unknown that you want to get to know better…..In our recent interview it was easy to tell that Seth Walker loves music, he was raised by parents who were trained classically and was playing the cello by four. I ‘ll let him tell you the rest of the story, hell..I bet he can sing it to you. He played a lot of things off his new album “Leap of Faith” and easily had captured the crowds feet, as the place got a good stomp-a-going….and sometimes even on rhythm. This venue allows all in attendance, (did I mention what a nice big crowd was there?) to feel like the artist is right in your living room, and I think Seth was feeling right at home with us and something tells me we’ll get a chance to see our old pal Seth Walker back here sometime in the near future….and if you happen to see that he is playing out where you can get to, take a chance and go feel good, be a part of that night’s story.
Seth Walker at the Frequency
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