I was fortunate enough the other day to chat with the cool rock and roller Nina Diaz of Girl in a Coma. We pitched their set at the 2012 Madison Fruit Fest and it was a rockin’ 50 minute blast of rock trio goodness. The setting was the blacktop parking lot on the East side of Madison and let me tell you this, the East side was represented it all shapes, sizes and that is what makes it special. The crowd was already wild in its ways already but having Girl in a Coma hit the stage changed it from Burlesque to something completely different in just two chords and a bass bump and the roll of Phanie’s drums. I can’t say enough about this band in it live home of the stage, except they were lively and raucous at times with a soft edge in the middle as needed. Mostly giving us tastes of their originals (including one of the absolute best renditions possible of “CONTROL”.) There was even a little time made to dance with a Velvet Underground blast as well. There were all types of audience members checking the girls out and I noticed many of them (even a less than a yEAR old) enjoying the sincerity of the music, and the reflection of the lyrics….but most of all…just like the Girls in a Coma crew….we just wanted to rock! These are the girls I want to smoke ciGarettes with out back during high school, but their music is something that I look forward to carrying on with me into the yEARS ahead.
And I couldn’t find one apple at this fruit fest.