It’s always nice to get to hang out with good people…and that is exactly what happened on this night. On a cool drizzly evening at the Memorial union got the chance to hang out with some of the gang of the Dirty Dozen Brass Band before the show and during the opening acts set…It was a blast to chill with the real people of the music world, talking about times and music with guys who have seen it all and been doing it so long. Efrem, Kevin and Jermal were all cool to chill with and then the set that followed brought it all home. The brass was solid and heavy sounding for most of the show and there were moments and dance, scream and even space out. The march-ability of the music made for some serious dancing and groovin’ from many a head & body bobber and fan of that sweet N’Orleans flava, that only the DDBB can stir into a gravy of sound. The funk was in the air, and the soul of the band fits here in Madtown perfectly and I am guessing the band will like to head on back..maybe even get some outside summer terrace time?
Dirty Dozen Brass Band
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