After the Air Raid~ZEVIOUS

From our friends at Cuneiform comes a new release that has a grip on me right after the first listening. To be honest, after playing one track on the show, I had three phone calls asking for some insight as to what Zevious is all about. Mike Eber on Guitars, Johnny DeBlase on electric & upright bass and Jeff Eber on drums make a sound at times that is electric jazzed punk and at other times the odd metered groove filled jam-scapes reveal a new fusion unlike most I’ve tried before. There are moments in this album that I want to re-live, at different times to see how I hear it at that moment. Can’t wait to find the right emotions for each track, it hits me just right!!!!


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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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