the Ragbirds in Madison

Sometimes you find yourself thinking a show will be good, and then you get a surprise when a big steps it up in ways you didn’t quite expect even though you were prepared with a bunch of listens to new a new album, an interview with the lead artist in the band (thank you Erin Zindle) and plenty of rah rah from friends in the scene. The Ragbirds brought sounds that took folk music(s) from around the globe and have them come together in a very easy to look at set right here at the High Noon Saloon. They use many traditional folk instruments including violin, mandolin, banjo, accordion, acoustic & electric guitars, and harmonica. But the music goes beyond folk with its strong rhythm foundation of bass, drumset, congas and several layers of percussion. The effect is positive, creative music with the force of dance-able rhythm and melodies that won’t leave you when the show is over….the carry over is the type that you talk about for weeks….This is a band that I see people really getting their groove on to while in a small backdoor bar, or especially an outdoor festival filled with musics from lands we only read about (wherever we are) or hey, I could even see them in your backyard making the burger flippin’ a whole lot nicer…..just sayin’. Opening the show was Madison’s own The Whiskey Farm.

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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