the Greyboy Allstars..YES!

I waited a long time to hit my first show of 2008 and man am i happy to say the first one may be the best one. The Greyboy Allstars were in town on a snowy cold Monday night and the funk didn’t stop until all the ears were drenched with a soulful satisfaction. Karl Denson brought a fire to the stage that was electric and immediate. There was two sets of old school funk that was heavy and filled with vibes that easily overtook those in attendance at the Majestic who were certainly ready to go. Karl’s fire lasted well into the night as snow fell, the Greyboy Allstars blanketed us with a down comfort of “feeling with a groove”, and for me it lasted well into the next day. Robert Walter was on keys and made finger magic which tickled that back of the house with a boogie meant just for Madison. If you are wondering which show you shouldn’t miss this year, I heavily suggest the Greyboy Allstars if they are nearby or a shorter long distance away… will complete your musical journey for the year early. I will be setting up a conversation with Karl sometime in the near future to discuss the tour, his new release on Bobby Ace Records, Lunar Orbit and some personal friends we share. Stay Tuned in with an open mind.

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the Greyboy Allstars’ Karl Denson 1/21/08

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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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