re-FLECK-ting on the Flecktones show.

What can be said that hasn’t been….for me, the show usually begins when Victor Wooten gets his bass some “alone time” on stage. Not to disappoint, this bass space was far-reaching, oft-exploratory and bone-a-fide funky at times. Jeff Coffin kept reminding me why sax is so damn good. Just imagine the Flecktones without it. Yeah, I agree. Where o’ Where are you tonight….Futureman is one cool cat (check out my past interview with Roy Wooten) with his unique blending of percussive magic from this world and beyond I found myself happily lost from thoughts other than “the moment” while he worked his art in front of our eyes. Speaking of right in front of our eyes, Bela Fleck can make his fingers appear like they wiggle and jive right in front of you, wherever you sit or stand at a show. He not only uses those banjo strings to play to us, but thankfully has found a way to use those strings to bring us to the music…with so much to take out of a Flecktones show, I really got a kick out of the rendition of the BeatlesCome Together“, just so perfectly true on that night.


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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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