P.O.S. & Dessa

A jam packed house at the High Noon Saloon got what they were looking for with P.O.S. who later on in the even ing mentioned to the crowd that it felt like this was the largest crowd to witness a P.O.S. show. NICE!!! Being ill didn’t stop Dessa and her producer, DJ Plain Ole Bill from setting the scene a blaze with timely serious lyrics and timing that made a duo like this seem like more. Doing tracks off her latest release “A Badly Broken Code” keep the start of my evening fresh and I think I could have done with even a few more moments with Dessa, which I will seek out from the album. Sometime after midnight P.O.S. hit the stage, and kept the truth spitting out deep and real. The crowd was more than willing to be connected to the performance, as it often is here in Madison and they made P.O.S. feel at home here. As the lyrics twisted around his tongue and slapped the faces out there, the beat was kept steady with DJ Plain Ole Bill and later on opening acts Dessa and Astronautalis (who I sadly missed) onstage separately, too, for a few right-on collaborations. Lesson….if P.O.S. comes back to town, get a ticket EARly. No NO, EARlier than that!



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About grnarrow

Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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