John Hammond jr–Push Comes to Shove

The collaboration of veteran bluesman John Hammond and contemporary Philly hip-hop/soulman G Love could make some blues purists run for the hills, the duo’s work here shows there is nothing to be running from. G. produces the 64 year old Hammond’s newest release, which John actually tackles some songwriting of his own. If you recall my conversations with Garrett and John last year, we touched on that aspect. This is a release destined for good things, with that ‘lets find some trouble‘ guitar moan and the bar-b-q sizzler of harmonica, blues enthusiasts will be thrilled to the bone. For those of you looking for a cross-over track, try #5 I’m Tore Down, which features a dash of hip hop and rap colliding with the fusion of a well produced album, not an over produced mess.

MisterG Rating *****


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Setlist Architect/Art Scene Checker-Outer/Sound Feeler

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