From the moment the beat battle bell is rung this EP tips its cap to old school R&B and hip hop with raps that spit fresh retro fire and scratching that has the sniff jealous. The Gift of Gab, Lateef The Truth Speaker, and Headnodic as the new super-group: The Mighty Underdogs. The new EP entitled THE PRELUDE (featuring DJ Shadow, MF Doom, Ladybug Mecca, and Rashaan Ahmad from the Crown City Rockers). This release is independent through Giftstribution and will release an LP entitled “Dropping Science Fiction” in early 2008. Something to keep a look-out for. The stylings of this are off the charts. This is hip hop keeping it really real. Just set your ears on track #6 Bring Me Back and have yourself a flashback moment rivaled only in scenes from Wayne’s World. And of course, I am always a sucker for the voice of LadyBUG Mecca, it always sounds like she is just reciting a lullaby made to hush a city block…and that can’t be bad.
The Mighty Underdogs: The Prelude
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