We were treated like V.I.P’s the whole night, even hanging out with Mr. Allmans # 1 tour man, Chank. Chank is the man who they defined the term “COOL” after. Gregg was obviously under the weather, and I say obvious because he mentioned it once and never looked back. So we knew, by that one mention and the constant tea/honey concoction he sipped on through out the show at the WOLF DEN in the Mohegan Sun Casino. Floyd Miles‘ voice rang through on a couple of his own tracks and I have to say, crowd watching was in rare form that night. I made many a friend and want to thank the Saugus Gang and my photographers for the evening, Wendy and Ken. MANY THANKS to GOOD PEOPLE.
I’m No Angel
House Of Blues
Just Like A Woman
You Must Be
All My Friends
Multi Colored Lady
Can’t Turn You Loose
Going Back To Daytona
Midnight Rider
Whipping Post
Statesboro Blues